Tuesday, June 9, 2009

~...Anda di Tag...~

Oppss...org di tag oleh ustaz...hmm...org akn jwp jap g...hehe...arap saba yea...
ada keje skit...nk kene anta lam ms tedekat ni...xmng tgn lor...

..Love ...

If you love someone you would be willing to give up everything for them, but if they loved you back theyd never ask you to.

Love me when I least deserve it, because that’s when I really need it.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

~...Bikin panas...~

arini org agak mara skit...bkn apa...tgh syok2 men tenet...skali telinga ni tedgr je bnyi benda terbang...Bile kaleh je sah!!


Angin tol...Bikin pns je..dok terbg2 kt org...

Ntah dr mana dtg...asal usul ntah duk terbg2 di udara...xlak terkene kipas yg tgh laju bepusg 2...tp kn klu xsalah org la kn...klu lipas2 terbg, dia ni jenis betina...dia mgkin tgh cr hospital kot nk besalin telor2 dia 2...suami sebuk OT kt opis...kn..

Ada org kesah...!!!


Dalam duk terbg2 td 2 xlak terkene sekali dua smash org...aii pnjg umo lipas ni yea...

Hmm...Apa yg org tau kn lipas ni merupakan sejenis serangga perosak yang tinggal di kawasan gelap dan lembap seperti celah-celah almari dan di bawah sinki.

Lipas hidup dengan memakan sisa makanan yang terbiar.



~...terminator salvation...~

Synopsis: Through a patchwork of system radio transmitters, hacked satellite phones, and encrypted computer networks, resistance leader Elena Maric in Detroit, and Nigerian mining engineer Bem Aworuwa, have formed an unlikely friendship and drawn up battle plans to take the fight to the Terminators! In the final episode, Skynet has destroyed much of humanity in a nuclear holocaust, but a group of survivors led by John Connor struggle to keep the machines from finishing the job.

Org dh tgk dh cite ni bes gak la...rugi gak klu sape xtgk lg...mmg gmpak...tp org rs las skali 2 cm sedeh la...hahaha...bole la plak ek...tp ok la...njoy...kepada sesiapa yg xtgk lg 2...g la tgk k....beli cd ker...org skrg nk tgu nx film...transformers 2...wah...mesti lg gempak kn...24 jun ni kua kn...oo 2 besday adek org 2...xpe kita wat xtau je nnt hehe...